Welcome back, these are the stats of today

Battery Degradation
139 readings of 129 vehicles

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Car Models
129 vehicles

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Global Stats
based on user trips

Trips Count45909
Vehicles Count129
Avg/Max Speed45 / 216 km/h
Avg/Max Distance24.4 / 782 km
Total Distance884,415 km
Total Up/Down4977.3 / 4980.3 km
Energy408,788 Ah (154,412 kWh)
Glide Time29d 23h 9mn 24s (0.6%)
Regen Time178d 2h 54mn 12s (3.7%)
Still Time363d 8h 31mn 9s (7.5%)
Total Time4874d 13h 20mn 34s

Logged Trips (1 Year)
45909 trips of 129 vehicles

Driving type
Energy flow

Trip's distance
45909 trips of 129 vehicles

Notice: You are not logged in showing demo data as yours.